Help articles for building websites, editing websites, & troubleshooting website issues.
Accessing Your Hosting Services
There! I finally got a web hosting service for my business. But, how do I access my web hosting service?
Creating A New Website For Your Church
I think that a website would be a great idea for our church. But, how do I create a website for my church?
Creating A Website
A strong web presence is a vital in today’s modern world. But how do I start building my domain and website reputation?
Do It For Me (DIFM) Website Builder
I need a new website, but i don’t have the time to learn how to make one myself. Can I get someone to do it for me?
Do-It-Yourself Logo Maker
My new site looks great, but it is missing a nice new, professional logo. I wonder where I could get a new logo?
MultiPHP Manager
Manage all of your domains PHP versions from your cPanel
PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
What is PHP and how it affects your website.
Softaculous Apps Installer
Start building your new site using a Softaculous script, so you can focus on building your site and it can do the heavy lifting.
WordPress Staging Sites
Use a staging site to update your WordPress site.
WordPress Toolkit
Install and manage your WordPress websites using your cPanel WordPress Toolkit.